Saturday, 23 October 2010

Morning breath - Colourways

I think most illustrators get a bit jealous of the images that come out of morning breath. I know I do! I love the way they use colour and tone. The Queens of the stone age poster is Two colour plus tints, and it just shows how much can be done with black through to white before other colour even comes into it. Youve got, mid tone, highlight, dark areas and outlines, then the pink just adds to the overall impact of the image.

This would be a good way for me to think about my images tonally, If I do want to have the book in black and white, tone is going to be a really important part of my imagery to add depth. If I was going to work in colour, I think I would go about it in a similar way to this, usig overprints and a very choice colour pallette.

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